Wednesday 9 November 2011

Fundraising Update

I felt it was important to keep you all up to date with how the fundraising is going for the cause (the AFA & me!).

Things have been a bit fraught over the last few weeks with ideas and strategies for weird and wonderful ways to make you part with your cash. £10,000 seems like a massive amount of money to raise and over the last few days I have to be honest in saying this is not going to be easy.

It's very difficult to ask for support for yet another charity when there are so many other charities competing for funds. In addition to that times are tough for us all and I'm not the best person at asking for help in anyway, never mind for money. However I have decided that if this is going to happen I'm going to have to be in everybodys face and be the biggest pest in everyones life if this is going to succeed.

So what am I doing?

I have written to over 100 business contacts some of which I have had relationships with for many years. So far I have received a very positive response and will update you on individual support bequests later on as & when I have the details.

I have steared clear of the social media scene as I have aways been a private person, but it is clear that if I am going to acheive my goal there really is no better way to communicate with people. This is a big step for me to take, but is a direct reflection of my unwavering commitment to this cause. So, you can now find me on Facebook at

I have been in touch with several Triathlon specific product suppliers to ask for their support in providing donations in product form. The idea behind this is that if companies donate the product to me then the money that I would have spent will be donated to the charity fund. These are things like, bike box (transporting my bike to Israel in April) nutrtition products and bike accessories. As & when (and if) any support of this nature is pledged I will let you know.

Progress up to now.......SLOW! But I have a plan!

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