Thursday 5 January 2012

Racing into 2012

Happy New Year loyal readers…..

Good….That’s Xmas & the New Year celebrations over and done with.  Kept up with my training though (even on Xmas day!) but still found time to enjoy the usual Christmas goodies and treats. Got 12-days off work and really enjoyed the opportunity to relax and really switch off from the daily grind. I had thought that I might really push the boat out and have a few more beers than usual and generally stuff myself silly… In reality, my body is clearly not cut out for the indulgent lifestyle we look forward to at this time of year and by day 4 it’s back to my stringent athlete diet..Never mind – maybe next year! As for training on Xmas day the jury’s still out…!

Anyway, time flies and its back to the grind (I mean work). I got up this morning and it dawned on me……Only 15-weeks to go before the European Champs – YIKES!!!! How did that happen – it was ages away last month and now it’s just round the corner…Panic mode here I come.

It’s ok though, Chris (my coach) is way ahead of me.  He’s prepared me a training schedule that starts next Monday that would be better suited to an Olympic Champion than a mere amateur like me..Still, it’s good to know he has the faith!

So what’s the next phase?

I get to train solidly for 2-weeks, with just one rest day and a set of pretty tough sessions to get through.  There is one good thing though….now I’m moving into this new phase I get to complete sessions that are much more interesting than just boring old base-work (not my favourite as you well know by now!)

The next 6 > 8 weeks are critical because in this period I will move into the Build Phase. This is the point where I move out of the base phase and continue building towards peak/race ready fitness levels.

I will of course let you know how I’m getting on but for now it’s goodbye Turkey, Tinsel & hangovers and hello to more serious stuff like work and training et tal YIPPEE!